The Citizens Police Academy is in progress with 13 participants who are learning about many aspects of law enforcement from the the Effingham Police Department during an 8-week course. The Academy offers an opportunity for our residents to gain unique insights into the work of the police department and to closely interact with our officers and staff.
Website Effingham Jam

Welcome to Effingham, Illinois

Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan

Learn more about our Effingham 2050 Comprehensive Plan project and how you can participate in public focus group meetings happening now!  Your ideas, questions, and comments are encouraged and needed!


Common services

Pay your water bill

Pay your water and sewer bill online and set up automatic payments.

Municipal Code

Find city ordinances and regulations.

Get a job with the City

Find and apply for jobs with the City of Effingham.

Apply for a building or construction permit

Get permits for buildings, pools, signs, demolition, and utility projects.

Economic and business development

Learn about program and partnership opportunities for economic and business development

Request a fire incident report

Get a report about a recent fire.

Request a police report

Get a police report or other police records.

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