Apply for a liquor license

Before you start

Liquor licenses are regulated by the City's liquor ordinance. Before you sell any type of alcohol or liquor, you need both a city license and a state license.  Prior to filling out or submitting a liquor license application, you must make an appointment for an interview with the Local Liquor Control Commission.  Contact Deputy Liquor Control Commissioner Jane Kemper (contact information below) for an appointment.  You can review the application forms, which are listed below.  Please allow at least 30 days for processing of an application. 

The review process

After you have submitted the appropriate license application and payment, the application will be reviewed by the Mayor/Liquor Control Commissioner.  If the application is approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner, it will be referred to the City Council for consideration.

What's next?

Your license must receive approval by the City Council.  If it is approved, your liquor license will be available from the Deputy Liquor Control Commissioner, Jane Kemper.  Your license is valid for one year.


Get help

Jane Kemper
Deputy Liquor Control Commissioner

(217) 342-5300
extension 5308
City Hall
201 E. Jefferson Ave.
P.O. Box 648
Effingham, IL 62401
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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