Burn permits

A permit is required if you want to burn a large area of landscape or timber waste. There is no fee for a burn permit.

Before you start

Burn permits are issued over-the-counter at Central Fire Station.

Please let us know at least 24 hours in advance of the date you want to burn your landscape and timber waste. For extended burning periods, notify us one week in advance.

What to do

  1. Go to Central Fire Station or call 217-342-2555
  2. Provide:
    • Address of the burning area
    • Description of what you want to burn
  3. Fill out and sign the permit application

We will provide instructions on how to control the fire during your burning period. For example, large burn areas require a pit and air curtain.

What's next

  1. We will visit the burn site to inspect for any hazards. We will also verify conditions are acceptable for burning.
  2. If your burn site is approved, we will issue the permit.

Get help

Fire Prevention division
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