City Treasurer
Staff contact information
Annual budgets and improvement plans
Annual tax levies
Financial transparency portal
Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund
Fire and Police pension funds
Audited annual financial statements
Annual Treasurer’s reports
Monthly Treasurer’s reports
Employee total compensation reports
Bridget Polk
City Treasurer
City Hall
201 E. Jefferson Avenue
P.O. Box 648
Effingham, IL 62401
201 E. Jefferson Avenue
P.O. Box 648
Effingham, IL 62401
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday - Friday
Monday - Friday
What is a City Treasurer?
The City Treasurer is an appointed officer of the City, and is the custodian of all funds belonging to the municipality.

- Keeps records that show a separate account for each fund or appropriation;
- The treasurer issues receipts for money received;
- Issues payments only on warrants or bonds duly signed by appropriate City authorities;
- Keeps separate accounts for taxes levied for a specific purpose, bond funds, and special assessment funds;
- Makes a monthly report, or issues reports more often if required by the City Council, showing the state of the treasury and its remaining balance as of the date of the report.
For more information from the Illinois Compiled Statues, 65 ILCS 3-1-35-40: City Treasurer - duties