City Hall will be closed for the following holidays: Tuesday, December 24th; Wednesday, December 25th; Tuesday, December 31st; Wednesday, January 1st. If you need to make a utility payment, please use the drop box located on the east side of City Hall. If you have a water/sewer emergency, please call the Water Treatment Plant at 217-347-5056. We wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and hopeful start to the New Year for each of you and your families!

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The City of Effingham falls under the provisions of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Anyone wishing to view or obtain copies of City records should submit a written request to the City Clerk's Office. Submissions can be made online, in person, email, or mail. The City has five working days to provide the records; however, certain records are exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, in which the requestor will be provided an explanation of the denial.

City of Effingham FOIA Officers

General requests for City records - City Clerk Abbey Nosbisch

Effingham Police Department record requests - Technical Services Assistant Sandi Gillet

Effingham Fire Department record requests - Executive Secretary Jenn Alwardt

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