City Hall will be closed for the following holidays: Tuesday, December 24th; Wednesday, December 25th; Tuesday, December 31st; Wednesday, January 1st. If you need to make a utility payment, please use the drop box located on the east side of City Hall. If you have a water/sewer emergency, please call the Water Treatment Plant at 217-347-5056. We wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and hopeful start to the New Year for each of you and your families!

Open burn regulations

In order to insure the health, safety, and welfare of the general public, the City Council has voted to restrict the days that residents are allowed to burn landscape waste (i.e. leaves/tree limbs) in the corporate City limits.


  • Landscape waste burning is only allowed on Fridays, Saturdays, & Mondays between the hours of 8 am - 6 pm and it must not be left unattended.
  • Burning may not be conducted in City driving surfaces (roads or alleys), manhole covers, sidewalks, meter pits, storm drain inlets, or any utility cover.
  • No form of garbage, construction materials, or other household items may be burned at any time.
  • Burning may not create a visibility hazard (excess smoke) on roadways or near railroad tracks.
  • All landscape waste burns must be out by 6 pm and must not be left smoldering.
  • Only landscape waste generated on the property may be burned on the property.
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