Plan Commission


The Plan Commission serves an advisory role to the Mayor and City Council to review and recommend adequate provisions are made for the guidance, direction, and control of the development and growth of the city including recommendations on, but not limited to rezonings, Special Use Permits, subdivisions and street vacations. The Plan Commission also makes recommendations on the adoption of the City’s Comprehensive Plan or any amendments.


  • Theresa Hillyer
  • Cindy Vogel
  • Michael McHugh
  • Brian Hayes
  • Ken Wohltman
  • Clint Spruell
  • Kevin Gouchenouer
  • Brian Meyers
  • Mark Thies

Meeting schedule

Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

City Hall
201 E. Jefferson Avenue
Effingham, IL 62401

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