City Hall will be closed for the following holidays: Tuesday, December 24th; Wednesday, December 25th; Tuesday, December 31st; Wednesday, January 1st. If you need to make a utility payment, please use the drop box located on the east side of City Hall. If you have a water/sewer emergency, please call the Water Treatment Plant at 217-347-5056. We wish a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and hopeful start to the New Year for each of you and your families!

Do I need a permit to go door-to-door to sell items, insurance, electricity plans, or other services?

Yes. A license from the Effingham Police Department is required to do business as an itinerant merchant, solicitor or peddler in the City of Effingham. The only exception to this is a merchant who offers produce which they have grown themselves.

Learn more and apply for a permit.

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