Interested in attending Effingham Police Department's next Citizens Police Academy?  First class starts March 13th. ***** The next Effingham 2050 Public Focus Group is on Monday, March 10 at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall.  We'll discuss public utilities (electricity, gas, internet, etc.) and city utilities (water and sewer).  For more information: Public Focus Group Info

Rickelman at Fourth roundabout


This Rickelman Avenue and Fourth Street intersection is currently a 4-way stop. Traffic volumes have grown over the years as more people travel to and from the Keller Drive business area north of the interstate. Existing problems with the intersection will worsen as traffic increases.

Planning for growth

As infrastructure improvements become more expensive, it is important that we look ahead and plan for the future. We expect this area will see a lot of growth so we are planning street improvements.

The long-term plan is to extend Ford Avenue east to Fourth Street and create a route around the north portion of the city. This project will:

  • Help new development and the traffic that comes with it
  • Be a main route around the north part of the city
  • Connect with Outer Belt West and the interstate interchanges

Map showing intersection of Rickelman and Fourth

Traffic study

In 2017, we completed a traffic study to understand the impact future development would have on the streets in the area. One conclusion of that study was that a roundabout would provide an efficient, safe intersection at Rickelman and Fourth. We are now starting the design of that intersection.


Farnsworth Group has partnered with Civil Design and Milano and Grunloh to design this project.


There is not yet a roundabout in our area. It may take some education and time for people to learn about this type of intersection.

Roundabouts are a proven style of intersection that is effective in slowing vehicles down while keeping them moving efficiently. They use the following physical geometry:

  • Curbs
  • Curves in travel lanes
  • Center island

Roundabouts are proven to be significantly safer than a traditional signalized intersection. When roundabouts are used in the right place, they:

  • Decrease the time it takes to get through the intersection
  • Increase safety for vehicles and pedestrians

The proposed roundabout at Rickelman and Fourth will be the simplest kind of roundabout, a single-lane roundabout. We are confident that the location and design of this roundabout will:

  • Make it easy to use
  • Keep traffic moving
  • Prevent serious crashes

Learn more about roundabouts

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