Solar permits

There are 2 types of solar permits: small and large.

Most projects are considered small. Large projects are for complex installations, like solar farms.

Small solar projects

To do a small solar project, like installing panels on your home or business, you need to fill out an application and submit your plans.

Your plans need to be reviewed by the Electrical Inspector and the Fire Department. To expedite the process, you can email us your plans in advance. We’ll let you know if there are any revisions needed.

Once they are approved, you can come to City Hall, pay the $25 permit fee, and pick up your permit. Solar permits can only be issued to a licensed electrician that is registered with the City.

Large solar projects

Large solar projects are not allowed on properties smaller than  acres. They are allowed in these zoning districts:

  • NU
  • M-1
  • M-2

You’ll need multiple permits to do a large solar project:

  • Special use permit and site plan
  • Building permit
  • Electrical permit

To get started, fill out the solar energy system application.

Special use permit and site plan

The special use permit and site plan has a $500 application fee and requires approval from the Plan Commission and City Council.

Building permit

If approved, you’ll need to apply for a building permit. The plans are reviewed by the Building Official, Electrical Inspector, and the Fire Department. There is a $250 building permit fee. The building permit can only be issued to the company installing the system.

Electrical permit

The electrical permit is an over-the-counter permit you can apply for in-person at City Hall. There is a $250 minimum fee and can only be issued to a licensed electrician that is registered with the City.


After your solar energy system is installed, you'll need to schedule an inspection. If approved, we will sticker the system. Then you can notify the utility company to change the meter and start using solar energy.

Get help

Christopher Niemerg
Chief Electrical Inspector

(217) 342-5300
extension 5350
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