Temporary handicapped placards

Where can I get a temporary disability placard?

Temporary handicapped placards are available from our local Secretary of State's office located at:

Secretary of State
1901 S. 4th Street
Effingham, Illinois 62401

Placards are issued to persons with a temporary disability (as defined by 625 ILCS 5.0/1-159.1) and are valid for the length of time indicated by the certifying physician, not to exceed six months.

  • This placard does not exempt the authorized holder from parking meter fees and time limitations at parking meters
  • A medical professional must fill out Illinois Secretary of State "Persons with Disabilities Certification for Parking Placard"
  • A copy of this completed form must be presented in person to a Secretary of State's office
  • Temporary placards will be issued to the authorized holder for not more than six months

For your convenience, you can download and print the form below to take to your physician.

When will I get my new parking placard?

If you are applying for a temporary disability parking placard (good for up to six months depending on your diagnosis), you must visit a Secretary of State facility and present a Persons with Disabilities Certification for Parking Placard form filled out by your physician.  You will be immediately issued a red, temporary disability parking placard.

How do I obtain a permanent placard or disability license plates?

An applicant must complete a Persons with Disabilities Certification for Parking Placard/License Plates form (VSD 62) certifying the disability by a licensed physician.

If the applicant has a permanent disability, the form must be mailed to the Secretary of State's office (by either the physician or the applicant). Based on the information on the certification form, a disability parking placard and/or disability license plates will be be issued.  You must mail the form and documentation to:

Secretary of State
Persons with Disabilities Placard Unit
501 S. 2nd Street, Room 532
Springfield, IL 62756


Find out more

Visit the Office of the Illinois Secretary of State to find out more about the Persons with Disabilities Parking Program in Illinois.

On their website, you can:

  • Determine if you qualify for one of the four types of placards issued
  • Read what recent changes have been made to the program
  • Find out what to do with old placards
  • See how to apply if you are a caretaker
  • Learn how to replace a lost or stolen placard
  • Find contact information for any additional questions

Get help

Effingham Police Department
Records Division

(217) 347-0774 extension 5321
110 South 3rd Street
Effingham, IL 62401
7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday
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