The next Effingham 2050 Public Focus Group is on Monday, March 10 at 8:30 a.m. in City Hall.  We'll discuss public utilities (electricity, gas, internet, etc.) and city utilities (water and sewer).  For more information: Public Focus Group Info

FAQ Topic: Police Department FAQs

How do I get a copy of a crash report?

You can get a copy of your crash report online. For help, call the Quicket support line at 312-313-1231 or email them at  For step-by-step details, please check out the instructions found on our crash report page.

Where can I find crime statistics?

Crime in Illinois Annual Uniform Crime Reports, published by Illinois State Police, include past crime statistics for Effingham. For the most recent crime statistics: Email Sandi, or call 217-347-0774 extension 5326.

How can I get my requested records faster?

Knowing certain details of information you want helps tremendously. If at all possible, include the following in any requests: Police report reference numbers Time of incident Date of incident Location of incident (including apartment numbers) Names of involved persons Telephone numbers of the involved persons Any other pertinent details of the incident

How soon will I receive what I requested?

Once your request has been processed, you will receive a written response in five (5) business days, unless: The Police Department extends the time for a response by an additional five business days for a reason allowed by FOIA The Police Department and requestor agree to an extension in writing It is a commercial request … Continued

Who can file a FOIA request?

Anyone can file a FOIA request, acting individually or as a group. Individuals Organizations Businesses Corporations Partnerships Firms Associations

What is the purpose of FOIA?

FOIA ensures the free and open exchange of information between government and the public. Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government. The purpose … Continued

Will I be charged for making a FOIA request?

Digital copies provided via email are free. After the first 50 pages of black and white printed copies, a fee of $0.15 per page will be charged. Color copies, as well as media such as CDs, DVDs, and flash drives also have fees associated with them. If you prefer to view the requested document rather … Continued

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